I Can Play Guitar makes learning to play as easy and fun as playing a game and in 3 easy steps you can be playing the guitar like a real rock star
Music comes to life in fun video game like environments featuring kids favorite characters and activities with easy-to-follow color-coded notes
Each software cartridge comes with 6 songs, one game and a jam session
I Can Play Guitar - Barbie Guitar Party - Teaches you to play Guitar! Your child can learn how to play the guitar -- and have fun doing it -- with the I Can Play Guitar System. Designed for children ages six and older, the guitar plugs directly into your TV and teaches your child to play with fun and exciting video game tutorials. I Can Play guitar is the new learning system that makes learning to play the guitar as easy and fun as playing a game. A hardware / software system that plugs into your home TV, the I Can Play Guitar software is designed to have the look and feel of a real video game. Kids learn about fun methods of guitar-playing that eventually translate into them being able to play a real guitar. There are four levels of play for each song. Players advance through these levels based on their performance, earning collectibles along the way. The Barbie Guitar Party cartridge is designed to be used with the I Can Play Guitar, and will teach your child to play party songs! Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: K9901
Custom Tab 01
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