Disney Sofia The First and Minimus

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  • Based on the hit new animated series from Disney Junior, Sofia the First
  • Girls will love recreating their favorite scenes from the show
  • Sofia is trying out for the flying Royal Derby team
  • Help Sofia train and ride her beloved flying horse Minimus through the sky
  • A great gift that any girl is sure to love

  • Disney Sofia the First and Minimus: Now that she's a princess, Sofia must adapt to an extraordinary life of royalty and learn how to be a princess-inside and out! That means rising to new challenges and opportunities, like trying out for the flying Royal Derby team. Fans of the Disney Junior series will love reenacting favorite scenes or imagining new ones for Sofia and her adorable flying horse, Minimus. Sofia doll is articulated at the waist to allow her to sit and ride her beloved Minimus through the sky. When girls clip the Sofia 3-inch small doll into the saddle on the back of her adorable horse and then move him up and down, his wings will pop up and flutter as the pair "flies" through the air. It's a magical moment that girls will delight in playing out over and over again. Sofia doll looks adorably sophisticated in her pink and purple riding outfit with matching helmet. Minimus horse enchants with his pink molded mane, big eyes and enchanting wings.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: Y6651

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