Disney Sofia The First Amber Fashion Pack

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  • Based on the hit new animated series from Disney Junior, Sofia the First
  • Girls will love reenacting their favorite scenes from the show
  • Features charming collection of fashions and accessories that are perfect for this princess
  • Includes fashion and themed accessories
  • A wonderful addition to any Sofia doll collection

  • Delightful moments from the Disney Junior's series Sofia the First can be brought to life with this charming collection of fashions and accessories for the series' lead princesses: Sofia and her sister, Amber. For Princess Sofia, girls can choose between a charming garden party fashion (complete with tea set, patterned blanket and cake tray with treats) or her adorable two-piece fashion for the grand royal picnic and sporting event (complete with "flying" horseshoe set and winning trophy). For Princess Amber, girls can re-create the unforgettable royal sleepover with her beautiful nightgown, eye mask, pillow and perfume bottle. Dolls not included. Each set sold separately. Ages 3 and older.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: BDH49

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