Meet one of the most enchanting ballerinas in the kingdom!
Princess Belle wears a unique, multilayer yellow tutu that celebrates her personality with matching tights
Her hair is pulled up in a classic ballet bun accented by a sparkly tiara
She comes in ballet position, ready to pirouette across the floor and into your heart!
Collect other favorite Disney Princess ballerina fashion dolls
Meet the most enchanting ballerinas in the kingdom! Each wears a unique, multilayered tutu that celebrates her personality with signature color tights, pointe shoes, and a special bodice design. Their hair is pulled up in a classic ballet bun accented by a sparkly tiara. Collect all of your favorite Disney Princess ballerina fashion dolls including Belle, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, and host a royal recital! They are ready to pirouette across the floor - and into your heart! Each sold separately. Doll cannot stand or dance on its own. Ages 3 and older. Brand: Mattel, Model: CGF33
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