Disney Mattel Frozen Singing Elsa Doll

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  • Sings ''Let it Go'' with press of snowflake button
  • Recommended for children ages 3 and up
  • Batteries not required
  • Doll features a glittery snowflake cape and a crown
  • Stands 11 inches tall

  • Now you can sing along with Elsa from the Disney film Frozen! By pressing the snowflake button on her chest, Elsa will break out in her signature song, "Let It Go", for girls to sing and dance to. As she sings, re-live the movie moment when Elsa flees the kingdom of Arendelle in search of a place where she doesn't have to hide her magical powers. Once she discovers the North Mountain, Elsa creates her own castle, dress, and Olaf the snowman out of snow and ice. Girls can imagine that they have found their own winter safe haven for which to be themselves, just like Elsa. Dolls cannot stand alone. Ages 3 and older.
    Brand: Disney, Model: CHW87, Color: Multi Color, Size: Standard

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