Disney Magiclip Rapunzel Doll & Fashions

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  • Double the dress up fun with this enchanting MagiClip Rapunzel doll that comes with two royal fashions inspired by her fairy tale!
  • Dressing a princess has never been easier!
  • MagiClip fashions are gentle on fingers, fun and fast, too
  • Dress-up with MagiClip is now double the fashion fun!
  • Collect the other MagiClip princesses and host a royal fashion show! Each sold separately, subject to availability

  • Sometimes a princess can't settle on just one royal fashion - and why should she have to Rapunzel doll comes dressed in a shimmering iconic look, along with an additional fashion inspired by her fairy tale. With clippable gowns that are gentle on fingers and so simple to use, dress-up with MagiClip is now double the fashion fun! Dolls cannot stand alone. Each sold separately, subject to availability. Ages 3 and older.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: X9411

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