Doll kitten and accessories for American Girl Dolls
Set includes: Shaggy Kitten, Collar, Carrier, Bed, Blanket, Mouse Toy, Food Bowl, and Brush
The kitten is cuddly and adorable. Leash attaches to the kitten's neck by Velcro.
Perfect to fit 18 inch dolls of all styles like the American Girl. All is made of top quality for years of enjoyment.
Kitten is 7" tall. Carrier is 8" long x 5" wide x 6" tall. Not affiliated with American Girl, Reg. Trademark of American Girl, LLC.
Have this cute cuddly kitten adopted by your doll. This set includes all you need for keeping your kitten busy and comfortable. Your doll could also carry her kitten along wherever she goes in the adorable ventilated carrier. She can keep her kitten active while chasing mice, and staying still being brushed. At supper time, your doll can prepare the kitten's nutritious meal in the dog bowl and serve it to him. Then, when it's time to go to sleep, the kitten can snuggle with his blanket in his soft, padded bed. Brand: Click N' Play, Model: CNP9675
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