Barbie of Swan Lake:Teresa as the Fairy Queen

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  • She comes dressed in a stunning gown and holds a magical wand
  • There's also a special gift for girls to wear - a pretty light-up necklace
  • Doll measures approximately 11.5" tall
  • Requires 2 "button cell" alkaline batteries(included)

  • From the "Barbie of Swan Lake" video comes magical Teresa, the Swan Lake Fairy Queen doll. Wearing long auburn hair and a pink and purple gown with a shimmery netted skirt, Teresa carries a heart-adorned wand to help save the Magic Forest. This charmed queen comes with a child-sized necklace featuring violet facets in its heart-shaped center. When pressed, the heart lights up. Coordinates with Swan Lake Barbie and the Barbie Musical Fantasy Castle, each sold separately. Imported.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: 63524, Size: Standard

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