Barbie Glam Getaway House

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  • When a glam girl needs to relax, she needs a glam getaway house!
  • A latch and carrying handle means this getaway home is also perfect on-the-go!
  • Open and unfold to reveal a cute kitchenette, adorable bedroom and en suite bathroom
  • Colorful accessories engage girls' decorating skills, while a unique feature keeps the pieces in place!
  • Girls will love playing out fabulous stories in this glam home!

  • When a glam girl needs to relax, she needs a glam getaway! This amazing house is the perfect spot for Barbie doll (sold separately) to refresh and recharge. Plus, a latch and carrying handle means this getaway home is also the perfect play set to take on a getaway of your own! Unlatch and unfold to reveal a cute kitchenette, adorable bedroom and en suite bathroom. Barbie doll can make a meal at the stove and dine at the counter on one of two included chair stools -- so there's room for a sister or friend! Accessories, like a teapot, cooking pot and plates, make for a doll-vicious meal! Plus, a unique feature keeps the pieces in place. The bed, with its soft goods blankets, looks completely cozy, while the modern pink chandelier adds a glam touch. In the en suite bathroom, a toilet, shower and towel rack with a striped fabric towel make the perfect place to get ready and dressed up. Girls will love playing out fabulous stories in this glam home! House includes kitchenette with two stools; bedroom with bed, nightstand and side table (that opens for storage!); en suite bathroom with shower and toilet; and lots of themed accessories that include cookware (a teapot and pan), dining pieces (plates, utensils and cups), bedroom accessories (alarm clock and pillow), bathroom items (hair dryer and perfume bottle) and a vase of flowers; doll not included. House features working door plus latch and carrying handle to fold up for on-the-go fun! Ages 3 and older.
    Brand: Barbie, Model: CHF54, Color: Pink, Size: 19.00 x 5.50 x 12.75 Inches

    Custom Tab 01

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