Barbie Girls Anime Doll

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  • Be a game changer with Barbie roller-skating doll inspired by Barbie Video Game Hero!
  • She wears her cool video game fashion from the movie and working roller skates that light up as she skates -- a matching handle clips around her waist so you control the racing action!
  • Send her forward or backward -- or squeeze the handle to see her perform 360-degree spins
  • As she moves, her roller skates light up in multiple colors!
  • She looks super cute wearing a brightly colored bodice with heart graphic and a white skirt with video game-inspired print and pink vinyl peplum

  • Be a game changer with Barbie doll! Inspired by Barbie Video Game Hero, Barbie Video Game Hero Light-Up Skates doll is ready to skate into the game! She wears her cool video game fashion from the movie and has working roller skates that light up as she skates. A matching handle clips around her waist so you control the racing action. Send her forward or backward -- or squeeze the handle to see her perform 360-degree spins. As she moves, her roller skates light up in multiple colors for a wow moment! She looks super cute wearing a brightly colored bodice with heart graphic and a white skirt with video game-inspired print and pink vinyl peplum. Pink kneepads and a matching removable helmet complete the signature look. Young gamers will love recreating favorite scenes or lighting up their imagination with roller-skating Barbie Light-Up Skates doll! Collect all of the Barbie Video Game Hero dolls for a full cast of video gaming characters (each sold separately, subject to availability). Includes Barbie Video Game Hero skating doll wearing fashions and light-up roller skates with rolling wheels, a helmet and a skate-and-spin tool. Doll cannot stand or roller skate alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Barbie, Model: DTW17, Color: Multi-colored

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