Barbie Fashions Complete Look 2-Pack #3

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  • Barbie doll knows how to throw an outfit together -- and as a fashion expert, she always has a backup outfit in case her mood or the moment changes!
  • With two outfits in each pack, these sets are perfect for expanding her wardrobe and the possibilities for play!
  • Each pack includes four fabulous pieces of clothing, one pair of shoes and one purse to mix and match for a look girls will love!
  • Created with modern silhouettes, pretty fabrics and glam accents
  • Collect them all to mix and match for the ultimate storytelling fun!

  • As a trendsetter, Barbie doll knows how to throw an outfit together -- and as a fashion expert, she always has a backup in case her mood or the moment changes so she can always love that look! these fashion packs make the perfect addition to her wardrobe with two outfits and amazing accessories to pull an outfit -- and a story -- together. Girls will love playing out real-life experiences and dreaming up new possibilities with this fabulous line of clothing for Barbie dolls. Both outfits in the pack feature pieces designed to mix and match so girls can really express their own style and love that look! created with modern silhouettes, pretty fabrics and glam accents, the clothing will delight girls. A cute and complementary pair of shoes works with each outfit in the pack, and a fabulous purse is picture-perfect. Collect them all to mix and match even more for the ultimate storytelling fun -- put your own spin on fashion and love your style. Each fashion pack includes four fashion pieces, one pair of shoes and accessories; doll sold separately. Fashions fit most Barbie dolls. Each sold separately. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Barbie, Model: CLL19

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