Barbie Dolphin Magic Ocean Treasure Playset

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  • Dive into an ocean of fun with the Barbie Dolphin Magic Ocean Treasure play set inspired by Barbie and her sisters' tropical adventure!
  • Barbie doll can explore the glittery pink coral reef that holds so many surprise features and cool accessories!
  • Push the button on the reef to see the cute crab poke in and out of his hole; the purple oyster also opens and closes, revealing a pearl inside
  • A treasure chest opens to reveal even more hidden fun
  • Four water-squirting toys -- a dolphin, a baby dolphin, a unicorn sea horse and a sea turtle -- are designed in bright colors with unique touches

  • Dive into an ocean of fun with the Barbie Dolphin Magic Ocean Treasure play set inspired by Barbie and her sisters' tropical adventure. Wearing a colorful snorkel fashion, Barbie doll can explore this glittery pink coral reef that hides so many surprise features and cool accessories! Push the mechanism on the reef to see the cute crab poke in and out of his hole; the purple oyster also opens and closes, revealing a pearl inside. Open the treasure chest to discover even more hidden fun. Make friends with the sea animals who inhabit the reef -- four water-squirting toys are ready to swim into adventure. There's a dolphin, a baby dolphin, a unicorn sea horse and a sea turtle, each designed in bright colors with unique touches. Barbie doll makes her own splash in a colorful diving top and blue shorts. A snorkel mask and fins create waves of storytelling opportunities. Fans will love recreating scenes or telling their own tales above and below sea level because with Barbie, you can be anything! Collect all of the dolls and accessories from the Barbie Dolphin Magic line (each sold separately, subject to availability). Includes Barbie doll wearing fashions, reef with three hidden features, four sea animal-shaped squirt toys, snorkel mask and fins. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.

    Brand: Barbie, Model: FCJ29

    Custom Tab 01

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