Barbie Club Chelsea Pool & Water Slide Playset

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  • Play out the best backyard stories with outdoor-themed play sets that come with Chelsea doll, a large accessory and smaller themed pieces
  • The translucent blue pool makes waves with a sun-decorated umbrella that attaches to the side
  • Fill with water and send Chelsea doll up the ladder and down the colorful slide to make a splash again and again!
  • An inner tube and smoothie expand the storytelling possibilities
  • Chelsea doll is ready for fun in the sun in a blue swimsuit, matching ruffled skirt and pink sunglasses

  • Chelsea doll and her friends love to play outside! This fun play set lets imaginations tell the best backyard stories. The translucent blue pool makes waves with a sun-adorned striped umbrella that attaches to the side. Fill with water and send Chelsea doll up the ladder and down the colorful slide to make a splash. An inner tube and smoothie brighten storytelling even more. Barbie doll's littlest sister is ready for fun in the sun in a blue swimsuit, matching ruffled skirt and pink sunglasses. Young minds will love diving into endless stories because with Barbie, anything is possible! Collect all of the Chelsea dolls and accessories for even more play possibilities (each sold separately, subject to availability). Includes Chelsea doll wearing skirt and sunglasses, swimming pool with slide and umbrella, inner tube and smoothie. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Barbie, Model: DWJ47

    Custom Tab 01

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