Barbie Club Chelsea Picnic Doll & Playset

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  • Take Chelsea doll and her pet out for the day with play sets that bring outdoor fun to life!
  • Chelsea doll and her adorable bunny can dine in swinging style at this pet-friendly picnic gazebo. It has a table and two chairs that double as a swing -- just push to start the action!
  • Picnic foods look good enough to eat: a plate of carrots, a cupcake and a drink with a straw that fits in the bunny's mouth!
  • Chelsea doll is ready for a picnic in a white tank with heart graphic, removable fabric skirt with colorful check print and pink sandals.
  • The white bunny is so cute with a dynamic pose and sweet face.

  • Chelsea doll and her friends love to take their pets outside, and the Barbie picnic gazebo is perfect for two besties to spend a day outdoors. At the pet-friendly gazebo, Chelsea doll and her adorable bunny can dine in swinging style. The colorful gazebo has a table and two chairs that double as a swing -- just push to start the action! Treats like carrots, a cupcake and a drink look good enough to eat. Chelsea doll is ready for a picnic in a white tank with heart graphic, a removable fabric skirt and pink sandals. Her bunny is, too, with a mouth shaped to hold the drink's straw! The gazebo is signature style with a textured table, purple swings, a pink frame with heart cutouts and green grass details. Chelsea doll and her bunny love to hang out here! And animal lovers do, too, since they can play out all kinds of fun stories with this pet-friendly picnic set. Includes Chelsea doll wearing fashion and accessories, pet figure, gazebo with swinging table and chairs and themed accessories. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Barbie, Model: FDB34

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