Barbie Animal Rescue Playset

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  • Barbie doll loves animals so she's setting up a rescue center where they live to give them care!
  • There are eight animal patients to care for: a fox, a deer, two squirrels, two bunnies and two owls
  • The two-level care station is connected to a tree by a rope bridge that works with the animal-carrying basket
  • The tree features lots of places for the smaller animals to rest, like the nest atop the leaves, trunk cubby holes and a platform among the branches.
  • Barbie animal doctor doll's care station has fun elements like a thatch roof with Barbie logo on top, cool colors and decals and an animal bed below

  • Barbie doll loves animals so she's setting up a rescue center -- where they live to give them care! With eight animal patients, this Barbie doll and woodland rescue center play set lets young animal lovers rescue animals. There's a baby deer, a fox, two squirrels, two bunnies and two owls. Designed with a nature setting, the colorful care station (with two levels) is connected to a tree by a rope bridge that works with the animal-carrying basket. The tree features lots of places for the smaller animals to rest, like the nest atop the leaves, trunk cubby holes and a platform among the branches. Barbie animal doctor doll's care station matches the tree at two stories tall with fun elements like a thatch roof with Barbie logo on top, cool colors and decals throughout and an animal bed below. Barbie doll is ready see patients wearing a collared shirt, denim shorts and boots. A stethoscope, two bottles and a feeding bowl will help her care for the animals. Young imaginations will love playing out their aspirations with this animal rescue center because with Barbie, you can be anything! Includes Barbie doll wearing fashions and accessories, care station, tree, eight animals and accessories. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Barbie, Model: FCP78

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