GroVia All Natural Magic Stick Baby Diaper Balm for Baby Diapering (2 oz)

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  • PROTECT BABY'S SKIN: Use a light layer to protect baby's bottom and skin from wetness, reducing the likelihood of diaper rash. Helps to clear up minor rashes, and is gentle enough for sensitive skin
  • EASY TO USE: Use as needed with diaper changes and at night before bed. Apply to clean, dry skin. We recommend each child in your household has their own Magic Stick to prevent possible transfer of irritation
  • NO MESS APPLICATION: The no-mess applicator makes sure the diaper balm goes just where it needs to, helping provide immediate relief
  • SAFE FOR USE WITH ALL DIAPERS: Safe to use with both cloth diapers and disposable diapers
  • INGREDIENTS: Grape Seed Oil, Beeswax, Lavender Essential Oil, Organic Jojoba Seed Oil, Rosehip Fruit Oil, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, Shea Butter, Organic Calendula Flowers (and) Organic Olive Oil, Tea Tree Leaf Essential Oil, Roman Chamomile Flower Essential Oil, German Chamomile Flower Essential Oil, Tocopherol (Vitamin E)

  • The GroVia Magic Stick prevents and treats diaper rash. Made using all natural organic ingredients containing no petroleum products, the Magic Stick is safe to use on baby's delicate skin and perfect with cloth or disposable diapers. The no-mess applicator makes sure the balm goes just where it needs to.
    Brand: GroVia, Model: MS933, Color: Clear, Size: 2 oz

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