Charlie Banana Washable Diaper Tote Wet Bag (Black w/Blue)

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The Charlie Banana waterproof tote bag is an essential item for any cloth diapering parent on the go. Use it away from home for storing your wet and dry diapers. No spill, no smell, no mess.The stylish black tote with our signature embroidery has a convenient wide handle that can be hooked to anything. In addition to diapers, it can also be used to store items such as wet swimwear, baby bottles, formula and exercise clothes. A long lasting item that we love. It is small enough to be tossed in any diaper bag or any big hand bag. It can fit 3-4 diapers. It is made from the same waterproof material that we use to make our diapers. As our diapers can be securely wrapped up with the extra snap, it is no problem to have the used diapers and your clean ones in the tote bag. Dimensions: 12.75in x 12.75in (32.40cm x 32.40cm) Machine wash.
Brand: Generic, Model: 889428

Custom Tab 01

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