Charlie Banana 2-in-1 Reusable Diapers, Girl

Charlie Banana
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  • Perfume free, chlorine free, chemical free
  • The inner layer is made of soft fleece which is hypoallergenic and stain free
  • Hybrid option to use a washable insert or a disposable insert

  • We love cloth diapers for their many benefits and we love Charlie Banana because of its versatility. Charlie Banana diapers are a "2-in-1" reusable diaper system that is made of a fabulously colored PUL (polyurethane laminate) outer waterproof layer, and an incredibly soft microfleece stay-dry inner layer. Each Charlie Banana cloth diaper comes with two thick microfiber inserts (4-ply) - one is short (approx. 12") and one is long (approx. 13")- one for the day and two for nighttime absorbency. They also have a smart front panel that gives you the option of tucking in a disposable pad for those special occasions or using reusable inserts. Simply stuff one or both inserts into the pocket opening to provide the absorbency your baby needs.
    Brand: Charlie Banana, Model: 889424, Color: Girl, Size: One Size

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