Wake of the Red Witch

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  • Run Time: 106
  • Release Date: 4/23/2013

  • Director Edward Ludwig (The Fighting Seabees) and his star John Wayne (Big Jim McLain) teamed up again in this thrilling high seas adventure as Wayne battles enemies above and below the waves - including a giant killer octopus. Wake of the Red Witch pits the tough-minded Captain Ralls (Wayne) against the treacherous Captain Sidneye (Luther Adler) in a bitter rivalry on a mysterious Island. At stake is a fortune in pearls hidden in an undercover cave, at risk is the hand of the beautiful Angelique (Gail Russell), the daughter of the tyrant ruler of the Island who plans to marry her off to Sidneye. One year before, Russell and Wayne appeared together in the classic western, Angel and the Badman. Gig Young (City That Never Sleeps) plays Sam Rosen, a young sailor in love with Sidneye's beautiful niece, Teleia Van Schreeven (Adele Mara).
    Brand: OLIVE FILMS

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