Smallville: Season 7

Warner Brothers
Out Of Stock


  • Condition: New
  • Format: DVD
  • AC-3; Box set; Color; Dolby; DVD; Subtitled; Widescreen; NTSC

  • There are two Clark Kents. One is the young man whose life in a tiny Kansas town sets him on destinys path. The other is a Bizarro who shares Clarks DNA but not his values. Only one of them can survive. Superman mythology grows deeper and more powerful in an event-packed season that includes the arrival of Clarks cousin Kara/Supergirl. Keep a low profile and master your powers, Clark says. Kara has other ideas. Plus: Lana Lang might prefer Bizarro to the real deal. Lois Lane makes a career leap. Chloe Sullivan finds that balancing a meteor power with a personal life isnt easy. And Lex Luthors power-lust has a new fixation Kara. New characters and complications. New secrets and lore. New thrills and special effects. Power up to Season 7!
    Brand: Warner Brothers

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