Nikita: Season 1

Warner Brothers
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  • DVD
  • Standard Edition
  • 16 X 9 FULL FRAME
  • VIVA 5 Disc 15mm Case
  • Multi Disc
  • Dolby Surround 5.1 - English Stereo - Portuguese
  • Inside Division Part 1: The New Nikita In this documentary we discover what elements from the previous versions of La Femme Nikita were important to preserve and protect but more importantly what twists and changes needed to be made in order to reinvent Nikita for a new generation. Inside Division Part 2: Executing an Episode We uncover how the sets costumes weapons lighting editing and music were all fashioned to reflect the creators' new vision; a vision that's hip young beautiful deadly and definitely sexy. Profiling Nikita Alex Percy & Michael: We explore the characters who make this show so exciting and sexy as well as the actors who play them. Commentary of Two Episodes Deleted Scenes
  • Standard Edition

  • In this sexy and suspenseful series, NIKITA has gone rogue. Division is an ultra-secret government agency whose operatives are recruited young people with severed ties to family, friends and society. Trained to be invisible assassins, no one ever leaves Division -- except the charming and deadly Nikita, who has managed to escape, making it her mission to undermine the now-corrupt organization. A force to be reckoned with, the rogue Nikita taunts Division, staying on their radar, but always one step ahead. Yet as determined as Nikita is to bring down her former agency, there are those just as determined to stop her, including Division's newest recruit Alex, a beautiful young woman who seems destined to replace Nikita as their next top operative.
    Brand: Warner Brothers, Model: 44099884098

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