Mastering Hand Tools

Popular Woodworking
SKU: EZF1440323593
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Mastering Hand Tools will introduce you to the basic hand tool skills to turn you into a woodworker equally comfortable in either the powered or hand tool world - and offer the best results from each world. Host Christopher Schwarz starts off the video by asking the question, "Why use Hand Tools" A fair question that he quickly answers by extolling the benefits of traditional woodworking tools - blended with some of the niceties of power tools. Those benefits include a healthier work environment, fewer jigs and test cuts, and accuracy to within .001 in. Watch along as Chris offers advice on selecting hand tools, shares tips for set-up and puts the tools to work.

Learn About:

  • Choosing and using marking knives and gauges and cutting gauges
  • Sharpening and using Jack planes and Smoothing planes
  • Selecting and using Handsaws and Rasps
  • The benefits of Braces and Hand Drills
  • and more about Chisels, Mallets, Scrapers and Router Planes

  • Brand: Popular Woodworking

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