Jerusalem Countdown [Blu-ray]

Pure Flix Entertainment
SKU: EZFB007701TG0
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  • Blu-Ray Disc

  • With he Middle East in turmoil, Israel's preeminent Ally is thrust into an impending war... America is now the target as the battle for Jerusalem begins. Adapted from the Best Selling Book by Pastor John Hagee, Jerusalem Countdown highlights the reality of an inevitable conflict between Israel and Islam. When nuclear weapons are smuggled into America, Senior FBI Agent, Shane Daughtry (David A.R White) is faced with an impossible task - find them before they are detonated. The clock is ticking and the only people who can help are a washed up arms dealer (Lee Majors), a retired Agent (Stacy Keach) and a by- the-book CIA Deputy Director played by Randy Travis. Nuclear holocaust on American soil threatens global stability and the impending destruction of the world is coming to fruition, in this film of international terror and suspense. Also featuring Nick Jameson, Jaci Velasquez, Marco Khan, Carey Scott, and Anna Zielinski. The prelude to Armageddon has begun...
    Brand: Pure Flix Entertainment

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