High Noon: 60th Anniversary Edition [Blu-ray]

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  • Run Time: 134
  • Release Date: 7/17/2012
  • R

  • This groundbreaking western was voted at the 33rd greatest film of all time by the AFIr (100 Years. 100 Movies). Gary Cooper won the Oscarr for Best Actor in this classic tale of a lawman who stands alone to defend a town of cowardly citizen against a gang of killers seeking revenge. In one of the greatest showdowns in cinema history, Cooper's Sheriff Will Kane stands to lose not only the town, but also his bride, Grace Kelly. The stellar cast includes Lloyd Bridges, Thomas Mitchell, Katy Jurado, Otto Kruger, Lon Chaney, Henry Morgan, Jack Elam and Lee Van Cleef. High Noon won a total of four Academy Awardsr including Best Editing, Score (Dimitri Tiomkin) and Song, "Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darling", written by Tiomkin and Ned Washington and sung by Tex Ritter. High Noon also received Oscarr nominations for Best Picture (Stanley Kramer), Best Director (Fred Zinnemann) and Best Screenplay (Carl Foreman).
    Brand: OLIVE FILMS, Color: black & white

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