Hagerty 15700 Two Piece Jewelry Polishing Cloth with R-22 Preventative 12" X 15"

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  • Two-piece cloth cleans, polishes, and buffs
  • For use on gold, silver, and platinum jewelry
  • Buffs away tarnish, grime, ingferprints, body oils and cosmetics
  • Adds a tarnish-resistant barrier
  • Dimensions: 12"x15"

  • Hagerty's Jewelry Polishing Cloth is supremely easy and convenient. No muss, no fuss. This 2-pc cloth will quickly and efficiently clean and polish all gold, silver, and platinum necklaces, bracelets, rings, chains and all fine jewelry. The white inner cloth contains Hagerty's patented R-22, a special formula that gently yet thoroughly cleans and buffs away tarnish, grime, fingerprints, body oils, and cosmetics from precious metals while also imparting a tarnish-resistant barrier. The gray outer cloth is an excellent buffer to be used post-cleaning to heighten your jewelry's luster and brilliance. Large 12" x 15" size. Note: not for use on on pearls, opals, ivory, emeralds, coral, amber, lapis lazuli, malachite, or 24kt gold. Follow instructions on the label. Features: Two-piece cloth cleans, polishes, and buffs For use on gold, silver, and platinum jewelry Buffs away tarnish, grime, ingferprints, body oils and cosmetics Adds a tarnish-resistant barrier Dimensions: 12"x15"
    Brand: Hagerty, Model: SYNCHKG035446, Color: Gray

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