Gettysburg / Gods and Generals (Limited Collector's Edition) [Blu-ray]

Warner Bros.
Out Of Stock


  • Condition: New
  • Format: Blu-ray
  • AC-3; Director's Cut; Dolby; Limited Edition; Widescreen

  • Gettysburg – Director’s Cut Marking the 150th-anniversary commemoration of the Civil War, Ronald F. Maxwell’s acclaimed film now arrives in a Director’s Cut featuring 17 minutes of compelling additional footage. Filmed at actual battle locations and full of authentic details, this rousing and soulful movie plunges you into the heat of the bloodiest battle fought on American soil. History comes alive with intense and spirited battles as well as the dilemmas, motivations and fears of the leaders. Tom Berenger, Jeff Daniels, Martin Sheen and Stephen Lang star in this magnificent epic based on Michael Shaara's Pulitzer Prize-winning The Killer Angels. Gods & Generals – Extended Director’s Cut Reedited from beginning to end with amplified scenes and an added subplot, this all-new Extended Director’s Cut of Ronald F. Maxwell’s Gettysburg prequel restores his original vision of the fierce allegiances and combat of the early American Civil War. From Jeffrey M. Shaara’s bestseller, this commemorative release coinciding with the 150th anniversary of the North/South conflict incorporates an hour of footage never seen before. The story of actor and future Presidential assassin John Wilkes Booth (Chris Conner) is newly integrated throughout the narrative alongside the legendary heroism of Joshua Chamberlain (Jeff Daniels), “Stonewall” Jackson (Stephen Lang) and Robert E. Lee (Robert Duvall). And the battle of Antietam is now included along with the fateful clashes at Manassas, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville.
    Brand: Warner Bros., Color: color

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