Game of Thrones: Season 1

HBO Studios
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  • Brand Name: HBO Mfg#: 883929268757
  • Shipping Weight: 1.02 lbs
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  • All music products are properly licensed and guaranteed authentic.

  • The first season of the hit HBO original TV series, based on the bestselling book A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. An epic drama, Game of Thrones is set in the fantasy continent of Westeros, where ambitious men and women of both honor and ill-repute live in a land where summers and winters can last for years. This adventure-fantasy series is now available in a 7-disc Blu-ray collection with these exclusive features: in-episode guide, historical Game of Thrones context, inside look at the creation of the battle of Blackwater Bay and audio commentaries with the cast and crew that includes Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey and Kit Harington.
    Brand: HBO Studios

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