Fighting Kentuckian

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  • Run Time: 100
  • Release Date: 9/24/2013

  • John Wayne (The Quiet Man) sets the wild frontier ablaze in this thrilling romantic adventure! Set shortly after the Battle of New Orleans, the film casts Wayne as John Breen, a Kentucky trooper leading a regiment of Kentucky riflemen back home. The regiment passes through a settlement of French army refugees who were granted land by an act of Congress. Breen falls head over heels for the beautiful French general's daughter (Vera Ralston), but a rich and powerful rival, Blake Randolph (John Howard) also has his heart set on her. As the two suitors lock horns, Wayne discovers that his rival has a malicious scheme up his sleeve, and soon the courtship battle escalates into a full-scale war. George Waggner (The Wolf Man) wrote and directed this action-packed comedy adventure. The stellar cast includes comic legend Oliver Hardy, Hollywood bad-girl Marie Windsor with Philip Dorn and Paul Fix. It's "The Duke" at his best as The Fighting Kentuckian battles for his love and the land of the free!
    Brand: OLIVE FILMS

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