Dream With Me In Concert

Provident Distribution Group
Out Of Stock


  • Condition: New
  • Format: DVD
  • Color; DVD; NTSC

  • Jackie Evancho's Dream With Me In Concert is the perfect video companion to her chart-topping album, Dream With Me, which was produced by the legendary David Foster. David Foster has worked with the biggest names in music, including Beyoncé, Prince, Josh Groban and Celine Dion, but he admits that Jackie's talent astonished him. "Her natural ability and the depth of her understanding of the musical process left me speechless," he says. Foster has mentored Jackie and appears on Dream With Me In Concert as the show's host. The concert was recorded inside and on the grounds of the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, Florida, which includes the stunning mansion Ca' d'Zan, known as the last of the Gilded Age mansions built in America. Ringling was the impresario behind the iconic Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus. "This is a big, beautiful place," said Jackie after she toured the grounds. "My favorite part is the Peter Paul Rubens [art] gallery," where she performed the haunting song "Dark Waltz" accompanied only by Foster on piano and Conrad Tao on violin -- and surrounded by four of Rubens' largest, and most striking, canvases. The DVD features two songs ( Mi Mancherai and To Believe ) that were filmed during the live concert but not included in the PBS show. Bonus features include an interview with Jackie and David Foster as well as a photo gallery. Also available as a CD/DVD combo pack. DVD Track Listing: 1. When You Wish Upon A Star 2. Nella Fantasia 3. O Mio Babbino Caro 4 To Believe 5. Imaginer 6. Lovers 7. Dark Waltz 8. Angel 9. Somewhere 10. Mi Mancherai 11. Ombra Mai Fu 12. All I Ask of You 13. The Lord's Prayer 14. Dream With Me 15. Nessun Dorma
    Brand: Provident Distribution Group, Model: 18867429

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