The all-purpose zero-calorie sweetener made just from sugar cane
Zero on the glycemic index, Zero artificial ingredients
Gluten-free, vegan and kosher
Packaging may vary
Wholesome Sweeteners Zero is the perfect sweetener for those living a healthy lifestyle. Zero is made solely from erythritol, a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that is found in our bodies, as well as in fruits, vegetables and ever certain fermented foods like soy sauce. It is a perfect mild-tasting natural sweetener with Zero Calories. It has a glycemic index of zero, so it sweetens without adding calories or spiking blood sugar the way other sweeteners often do. Research indicates that for most people, it's highly digestible! Zero Artificial Ingredients: No chemicals are used in the production of Zero. Sugar, or sucrose, is liquefied and an approved fermenting agent is introduced. The fermentation process coverts the sucrose to Erythritol. The liquid is then filtered and the Erythritol is crystallised. Zero is great for diabetics, seniors and active adults. Zero is made from plants it is perfect for Vegetarians. Using Zero in the Kitchen: We recommend using 1 1/2 cups of Zero to replace 1 cup of refined sugar. For a more opulent sweetness, consider adding a bit of Wholesome Sweeteners Fairtrade Organic Raw Blue or Blue Agave. It is a great sweetener for coffee and tea, sprinkled over fruit or cereal, or in sweet sauces--it takes its flavour a minute or two to 'bloom.' Keep it in a favourite sugar bowl on the kitchen table - even in humid climates. It doesn't absorb moisture from the atmosphere so it remains free flowing. Baked goods made with Zero have longer “shelf lives” than those made with regular sugar. (Note: the molecular structure of Zero prevents it from browning the way other sugars do.) Zero is 70% as sweet as table sugar, and with zero calories and zero on the glycemic index, consumers can indulge with zero guilt. You can find recipes using Zero at Brand: Wholesome Sweeteners
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