Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Coconut Palm Sugar, 16 oz (Pack of 1)

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  • 16 Ounce package of Organic Coconut Sugar
  • Made from dried Coconut Palm Nectar with a deep caramel flavor
  • Sustainably Harvested
  • USDA Organic and Non-GMO Project Verified
  • Gluten Free, Vegan and Kosher

  • Wholesome Organic Coconut Palm Sugar (also known as Organic Coconut Sugar) is a rich, unrefined brown sugar with a deep caramel flavor. It is produced by tapping the sweet nectar from the tropical coconut palm tree flower and drying the nutrient rich juice in a large open kettle drum. The juice condenses into a delicious, handmade whole brown sugar that adds warm color and a depth of flavor to baking. No chemicals, bone char, or animal by-products are used to make or de-colorize this sugar making it ideal for vegans too. It is delightful in brownies, cookies and cakes and also makes a perfect topping for oatmeal. Organic Coconut Palm Sugar also is commonly used to sweeten Asian dishes, sauces and beverages. Wholesome is committed to sustainable organic agriculture. The coconut palm tree has been harvested for over 4,000 years. Unlike the production of palm oil (made from the Elaeisguineensis) which has received a negative image for causing damage to the natural environment through deforestation and habitat loss for endangered species, Organic Coconut Palm Sugar is produced on small, sustainable, cooperative owned farms. Wholesome Organic Coconut Palm Sugar was also featured in Rodale's Organic Life as one of the top 10 organic foods to buy on Amazon Prime.
    Brand: Wholesome, Model: 92106, Size: 1

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