Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Blue Agave is a natural sweetener extracted from the core of the Blue Agave plant.
Sweet, mild nectar is 25% sweeter than sugar (so more is less!) Aperfect multi-purpose sweetener for beverages, fresh fruit and general table-top use Blue Agave is non-crystallizing and quick dissolving. Glycemic index of39 or less;55 or belowis classifed as low glycemic Natural sweetness without the blood sugar spike No refrigeration required Wholesome Sweeteners' agave nectars have been tested by an independent glycemic lab Glycemic index will vary from person to person, depending on how eachperson metabolizes sugar, and on other foods consumed at the same time. The results of glycemic response tests in human subjects are subject to biological variability and may vary depending on the methods used.Blue Agavehas abright sweetness that quickly dissipates. Perfect in baked goods, fresh fruit and smoothies, salad dressings and savory sauces.
Cooking tips:
Use as a one-for-one replacement for sugar, then adjust to your own personal taste. Some chefs prefer to use 75% as much Blue Agave nectar as they would sugar in a recipe, butothers prefer a straight 1:1 replacement. Reduce the other liquids in a recipe by up to 30%. Cook lower and slower: reduce your baking temperature by about 25 degrees and bake for a little longer.Brand: Wholesome Sweeteners