Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey, found only in Australia's island state, Tasmania, boasts the world's cleanest air and water and has some of world's most primitive and ancient and unspoiled rainforests. Leatherwood honey is renowned for its unusual floral bouquet. It possesses a fragrance like no other and a taste which no adjectives can adequately describe. Place a blob in your mouth and your senses are instantly awakened by the piquant perfumes of the Leatherwood blossoms. The aroma is robust, yet so lovely and pleasing to the palate.
Like red wine is to grape juice, Leatherwood honey is the red wine of honey. Leatherwood trees are indeed special. The grow in the remote Northwest rainforests of Tasmania. Leatherwood Honey is sustainably produced with tremendous care given to bees (no bee colony collapses have been reported in Tasmania). It's no wonder why Leatherwood Honey is recognized by honey connoisseurs as one of the finest and rarest honey in the world. It is an irreplaceable honey and definitely one which is worth a try.
This quality honey comes from the pristine wilderness of South-Western Tasmania. Every summer the bees are taken into the rainforest where they find the white flower of the Leatherwood Tree. The honey they produce from the leatherwood nectar has a very distinctive spicy aroma and a strong piquant flavor that is highly sought after by connoisseurs of honey the world over. Unlike many other honeys, this honey has not been filtered or heated, so it comes to you just as it is found in the rainforest; the pure, natural flavors intact, and a fine candied texture. Brand: The Tasmanian Honey Company, Size: 12.5 oz. tin350 grams
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