Satin Ice Vanilla Fondant Purple 2 lb

Satin Ice
In Stock


Brand Satin Ice
Color Purple
Size 2 Lbs

  • Exceptional workability makes Satin Ice rolled fondant easy for anyone to use to make incredible cakes for any occasion
  • This 2 pound pail of purple, vanilla flavored, rolled fondant has superior taste that will have your cake tasting as amazing as it looks
  • Satin Ice rolled fondant rolls thin and has a smooth finish, giving cake artists greater value while leaving a flawless finish on their latest creations
  • Satin Ice rolled fondant is nut-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan and kosher, complying with the most restrictive of allergic and dietary restrictions
  • Satin Ice is the go to fondant for cake decorators and artists world-wide; This is the fondant to use when a cake needs to look and taste just right

  • Satin Ice Rolled Fondant Icing Purple 2 Pounds.Satin Ice Rolled Fondant Icing is a premium quality, non-stick, pliable icing which may be rolled out by hand using a rolling pin or by a mechanical sheeter. Satin Ice produces a satin smooth elegant finish to any cake. It may be used as a modeling paste to create decorative pieces, and is the ideal cake covering used to cover wedding, novelty and special occasion cakes. 2 pounds. Mix with white fondant for a lighter purple. Certified Kosher Pareve. Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Nut Free.

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