You will receive (1) 4 Oz Satin Ice Rolled Fondant Icing in Green
New and improved foil packaging seals fondant freshness & preservation of color brightness
Vegan & Kosher-friendly - produced without Nuts, Dairy, & Gluten
Made in the USA
Satin Ice Rolled Fondant Icing is a premium quality, non-stick fondant icing.Preferred for its ease of use and ability to be rolled super thin, Satin Ice is used to cover and decorate wedding and special occasion cakes, custom novelty cakes, cup cakes and cookies. With its new and improved foil packaging, our 4 oz pack seals fondant freshness, remains pliable longer and preserves color brightness. Also perfect for modeling character figures, bows, drapes and swags. This ideal cake covering seals the cake, keeps it moist and allows for an extended shelf life. 0g trans fats, 0mg cholesterol. Allergen information: Gluten free, dairy free, nut free. Contains no animal derived products (vegan). Certified kosher pareve. Brand: Satin Ice, Model: BHBUST051718A3135, Color: Green, Size: Small
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