Natural Mate All Purpose Granular Stevia is produced by a proprietary co-crystallization process, looks just like granular sugar, and offers an uniform & clean natural sweet taste without aftertaste. Bring your sweetener experience to the next level.
Natural Mate All Purpose Granular Stevia is suitable for baking, cooking, and hot & cold drinks. 0 calories and 0 glycemic impact. Can be used almost anywhere sugar is used, perfect for drinks, cooking, baking and more.
A great natural sweetener for entire family including people with diabetes. Perfect for every diet or weight loss program. 3/4 teaspoon per serving, 3/4 teaspoon equals to 2 teaspoons sugar sweetness. Each 1-Lb bag contains a total of about 130 servings or sweetness of 260 teaspoons of sugar (2.3 Lb.).
DIY Sugar Blend Baking Sweetener is easy & simple: Mix 1 cup of Natural Mate Sweetener with 3/4 cup of sugar. That is it.
The DIY Blended Sweetener is 2 times as sweet as sugar. Simply using half of this blended sweetener to replace the sugar called in your favorite recipes. This DIY blended sweetener bakes and browns like sugar with 78% fewer calories per serving than sugar.
Stevia is unique among food ingredients, as it does not add calories. Unlike other sugar substitutes, Stevia is derived from a plant. Because Stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose it is attractive to people on carbohydrate-controlled diets. Natural Mate's Granular Stevia is made by the process of co-crystallization. This innovative new technique combines Stevia and Erythritol while they are in a liquid state, then removes the bitter compounds found in natural Stevia by the water extraction process, leaving a granulated sweetener with a uniform clean sweet taste with no unpleasant aftertaste. Better Taste: Our proprietary manufacturing process eliminates the bitter components that give natural stevia a better taste. Sweeten your drinks, baked goods, and other foods with no worries about an aftertaste. Better Texture: Don't worry about messy powders or difficult-to-measure liquids. Our sweetener looks and feels just like sugar. Brand: Natural Mate, Size: 1 Pound
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