Mauna Loa Macadamias, Maui Onion & Garlic, 11-Ounce Packages

Mauna Loa
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  • TASTE THE TROPICS: Share this beloved island favorite with that special someone! Our Macadamia Nuts are made with the highest quality dry-roast method and seasoned with savory garlic and sweet Maui onion.
  • FROM THE TRAIL TO THE TABLE: Whether you're headed out hiking, going on a weekend getaway or having guests over, these macadamia nuts are just the thing to replace your standard nuts.
  • HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE: A great way to keep your hunger and your mouth satisfied, the Mauna Loa macadamia nuts deliver natural decadence. Healthy isn't a goal, it's a way of living.
  • INDULGE: Perfect for sharing, sending some heartfelt aloha to family and friends, or just to indulge yourself, Mauna Loa's macadamia nuts are the best way to show someone how much you love them.
  • OUR MACADAMIAS: Are hand-selected grade A premium nuts. Dry roasting instead of cooking in oil enhances the unique buttery flavor of the nut before being seasoned or dipped in chocolate.

  • Get to know Hawaii's savory side: premium roasted macadamia nuts seasoned with garlic and sweet Maui onion. Mauna Loa Maui Onion and Garlic Macadamia Nuts are the perfect indulgence for those who love tropical snacks, whether you give them as a gift, sprinkle them into trail mix, or enjoy them straight from the container.
    Brand: Mauna Loa, Model: 3434ml, Size: 11 Ounce

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