Includes 2 pouches of 16 oz each of Let's Do Organic Coconut Flour (32 oz total).
Healthy alternative to wheat flour
Kosher certified
Free of gluten
USDA Organic & High Fiber
Let's Do. Organic Coconut Flour is made from certified organic fresh coconuts. After separating the rich, white coconut meat from its shell, we use pressurized steam to remove most of its fat. We thoroughly dry the defatted coconut before milling it to a fine cream colored flour. Although its texture is very similar to wheat flour, Let's Do. Organic Coconut Flour is completely gluten free, high in fiber and more than 20% protein. Organic Coconut Flour is wonderful in baked goods, and delicious in your favorite smoothies (with the benefit of adding healthful protein and fiber). Let's Do. Organic Coconut Flour may replace wheat flour completely in many recipes with great results (see our Brownies recipe below for a perfect example). In other recipes you may only want to replace up to 25% percent of the wheat or other grain flour with coconut flour. When you replace other flour in recipes, be sure to increase your liquid by the same measure. For example: if your recipe calls for 2 cups of flour and 1 cup of water, you could use ½ cup coconut flour plus 1½ cups any other flour, and then you must add an additional ½ cup water to total 1½ cups liquid. Try our recipes and experiment with your own. We invite you to send us your favorite recipes so that we can share them with others. Includes 2 pouches of 16 oz each of Let's Do Organic Coconut Flour (32 oz total). Brand: Let's Do Organic, Size: Pack of 2
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