Konaberry Kelp Noodles (2 Pack/Bags) Raw Seaweed Noodles Infused With Konaberry For Added Antioxidants!

Sea Tangle
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  • Originally made with mineral rich sea kelp, now these kelp noodles contain the powerful antioxidant Konaberry to make it even more nutritiously delicious! Includes two 12 ounce bags of Konaberry Kelp Noodles.
  • Easy to prepare, raw food, that is also fat free and gluten free. Low in calories and carbohydrates as well. The perfect replacement for pasta and rice. Can also be included in a vegetarian or vegan diet.
  • Konaberry is a fruit that surrounds and protects the coffee bean and has been found to be rich in many vitamins and minerals as well as a powerful antioxidant. The noodles do not contain any coffee so there is no caffeine, only antioxidants!
  • These kelp noodles have a neutral taste which allows it to be used in a variety of dishes such a salads, stir fry, soups, and many more all while providing vitamins and minerals. Now you can have all the benefits of eating seaweed without the seaweed taste!
  • No cooking is required just rinse and add the noodles to your favorite dish and enjoy!

  • Finally....a delicious replacement for pasta and rice that is low calorie, gluten free, low carb and packed with vitamins and minerals!

    Konaberry Kelp Noodles are the perfect replacement for pasta and rice that also contain more antioxidants than acai, pomegranate, and blueberries.

    So what is Konaberry Well Konaberry is a fruit that surrounds and protects the coffee bean and has been found to be rich in many vitamins and minerals as well as a powerful antioxidant. Konaberry has 6 times more antioxidants than acai, 60 times more antioxidants than pomegranate, and 100 times more antioxidants than blueberries.

    Konaberry Kelp Noodle Features:

    --Neutral taste so the noodles have a variety of uses and will soak up any flavor you use --Get the benefits of eating seaweed without the seaweed taste! --Raw food that is filled with minerals and antioxidants --A versatile, low calorie, gluten free noodle --Easy to prepare low calorie and fat free food --The perfect replacement for pasta and rice --Can be used in a vegetarian,vegan or paleo diet

    Konaberry Noodles are the perfect noodle to enjoy that are even more nutritious and delicious than regular kelp noodles!

    Your order will include two 12 ounce bags of Konaberry Noodles. Ready to rinse and enjoy!
    Brand: Sea Tangle, Size: 12oz

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