Use as a replacement for butter and oil for cooking
Product of Phillipines, packaged in the USA
Certified Organic by OneCert
Per the product label: Kirkland Signature Organic Coconut Oil is cold pressed and never chemically treated during production. Because it is processed in this gentle and low low heat manner, all the natural flavor, aroma and health benefits are retained. Coconut oil is versatile in food preparation. Use as a substitute for butter on you toast or in your favorite baking recipes. It makes a flavorful alternative for popping corn and is ideal for sauteing vegetables over medium heat (Hint: To reduce unwanted sweetness, add a dash of salt.) Add to your morning smoothie for natural sweetness and body. Coconut oil works wonderfully as a moisturizing body butter. Due to its chemical makeup, it is readily absorbed into the skin and has a naturally sweet and clean aroma. Brand: Kirkland Signature, Size: 42.3 Oz
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