Great gift item packaged in retro cloth bag or to add to a gift basket
A rich southern cobbler mix in a decorative cloth bag (9 ounces) made with real butter and sweet cream buttermilk. Our peach cobbler mix was developed from a family recipe and is made with carefully selected ingredients and no preservatives. Enjoy a warm bowl of southern peach cobbler topped with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. Just follow our easy recipe to enjoy a delicious homemade cobbler. Use an 8x8 baking pan and evenly spread a can of peach pie filling. Combine 1 bag of cobbler mix with 1 cup of milk and stir well. Pour batter evenly over the fruit filling in the baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 30 minutes or until the crust is light brown. Allow the cobbler to cool for a few minutes and serve warm. The cooked cobbler will yield 6 generous servings. Brand: Julia's Pantry, Size: 9 Ounce
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