16 ounce resealable pouch; 340 2 tsp servings per pouch
Made with 100% gluten free non-GMO Waxy Maize; light and fluffy for instant no lump mixing
Instantly thickens hot or cold liquids; Remains stable when refrigerated, frozen or canned
Located in Salem, Utah we are family farmers dedicated to bringing nature's best flavors from our fields to your home
E-Z Gel is a gluten-free, non-GMO cornstarch that can be added directed to any liquid, hot or cold, for instant thickening. E-Z Gel can be used in baked applications to keep breads and cookies soft, or to add body to low calorie sauces and salad dressings. Products made with E-Z Gel can be refrigerated, canned or frozen without weeping, thinning, or breaking down. Since E-Z Gel is resistant to lumping and adds no flavor of its own, the delicate flavors of herbs and seasonings are preserved and there is no starchy after taste. Brand: Cornaby's, Model: 1
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