Billy Bee Organic Upside Down Liquid Honey, 13 oz

Billy Bee
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  • 100% pure natural honey
  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Rich in flavor and pure in color
  • Upside down squeeze bottle with no mess cap keeps your kitchen counter clean
  • Great in tea and coffee

  • Billy Bee Pure Organic Honey is a great choice for those who crave the goodness of non-processed honey. And because it's USDA Certified Organic, you know you're choosing the best. Organic honey is an all-natural alternative to table sugar and other sweeteners, perfect for adding flavor to tea or coffee. Sweeten your wholesome lifestyle by adding a touch of honey to your salads and dressings. Or pour over a mix of fruit like melon for a healthy treat that will be sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
    Brand: Billy Bee, Size: 1.25 oz

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