Authentic Foods Gluten Free Pie Crust Mix, 11 Ounce

Authentic Foods
SKU: EZFB0002131B2
Out Of Stock


  • Simple to make pie crusts - Just add egg yolk, cream (or non-dairy cream) and butter, roll the dough, put it on a pie pan and bake
  • Mix makes 1 pie crust
  • Can make cookies and bars from this mix
  • Gluten free, dairy free, soy free

  • The Authentic Foods Pie Crust Mix is made from our signature superfine rice flours and our Almond Meal Flour. Pie crusts made from this mix are so good that you will even love cookies and cookie bars made from this mix. Also, making a pie crust from this mix is as simple as 1-2-3. Just add egg yolk, cream (or non-dairy cream) and butter, roll the dough, put it on a pie pan, bake and voila. It's great with any kind of pie you can think of, key lime pies, apple pies, Boston Cream pies, pecan pies, cheesecakes, etc. This mix makes one pie crust. Ingredients: Rice flour, natural almond meal, evaporated cane juice, tapioca flour, corn starch, cinnamon, potato starch, vanilla, salt. Contains nuts (almonds).
    Brand: Authentic Foods, Size: 11 Ounce

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