Square Jellyfish Jelly Legs Micro Tripod with Micro Ball Head (Tripod and Micro Ball Head Only)

Square Jellyfish
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  • Includes both the Jelly Legs Micro Tripod and Micro Ball Head
  • Works with pocket cameras or smartphones with a tripod mount
  • When folded makes a convenient handle for taking pictures or videos
  • Hold legs in different angles when the screw is tightened with a coin
  • Please Note: The Micro Ball Head is designed for light weight cameras and smartphones ( 9 ounces or less). For heavier weights and angles use a larger ball head.

  • The Jelly Legs micro tripod and Micro Ball Head gives digital camera and smartphone users the ability to stabilize their cameras and phones, while offering flexibility with regard to angle or location. This tripod is small, lightweight, and easy to use, making it a handy tool for any traveler or picture-taker who wants to enhance the next photo-op. It's also great for the new 'phablets,' a class of devices that are a cross between smartphones and tablets. Designed to hold pocket cameras accepting ¼ x 20 standard camera thread screw mounts, the Jelly Legs micro tripod can also hold smartphones and similar flat and thin devices weighing up to 9 ounces when used with one of Square Jellyfish's tripod mounts. Jelly Legs is pocket size and weighs less than half an ounce. It measures 2 ¾ inches long when collapsed and spans approximately 4 inches when opened. When the tripod legs are folded down they form a handle for secure video taking, self-portraits and iPhone 5 panoramic photos. Made of high-grade polycarbonate and ABS plastic with bright green padded feet.
    Brand: Square Jellyfish, Model: JLYLEGHD74, Color: Tripod with Micro Ball Head

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