Perixx DX-1000XL, Gaming Mouse Pad - 15.75"x12.60"x0.12" Dimension - Non-slip Rubber base - Special Treated Textured Weave

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  • Extra Large Gaming Dimension 15.75"x12.60"x0.12" (400x320x3mm)
  • Rubberized base provides heavy grip and security
  • Heat treated surface with lightning quick gliding

  • Compatible with gaming, office, and professional work. DX-1000 series offer the speed type gaming mouse pad that support all-purpose office and gaming environment. Engineered to exceed the exacting demands of the world's top professional gamers, the highly-adaptable Perixx DX-1000 successfully melds the full-scale speed, acceleration and responsiveness of mats with the comfort offered by uncoated soft pads. Boasting an improved iteration of woven fiber technology. Every inch of the Perixx DX-1000's surface is a glide-versus-resistance sweet spot, making it suitable for all mouse sensitivity setups and play styles.  DX-1000 is now better and stronger with an anti-fraying stitched frame for extended durability. Retaining its slick speed-enhancing surface that blends high acceleration with sharp responsiveness and unyielding control.
    Brand: Perixx, Model: DX-1000XL, Color: Black, Size: mouse pad

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