Life Savers Wint O Green Mints Candy Bag, 50 ounce (2 Bags)

Life Savers
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  • Wint O Green Life Savers Mints have an icy, wintergreen taste
  • Hard-candy mints with a hole in the middle
  • Great to keep around the office; in the breakroom, at the reception desk, or to share with coworkers
  • Mint hard candies with a refreshing taste
  • Package includes 2 individual bags, 50 ounces each.

  • Why do we go to such lengths to get fresh breath After all, the icy, wintergreen taste of just one Life Savers Wint O Green Mints is all you need to freshen breath and refresh the day. These hard-candy mints are ideal for freshening your breath after morning coffee or a long lunch break or as a sweet treat in the afternoon. Keep a pack at your desk or, better yet, become the office champion and share some Life Savers Mints with those in need. After all, isn't it time you enjoyed the minty side of simple Life Savers Wint O GreenWint O Green was one of the first flavors to join the Mints family. After nearly 100 years, it still remains a refreshing favorite.

    Brand: Life Savers, Model: hoo-nna-limk-qqhou2283, Size: 50 Ounce (Pack of 2)

    Custom Tab 01

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