X-10 RF Serial PC Receiver/ Wireless Remote Interface MR26A

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  • Receives RF signals from an X-10 motion sensors or remote controls to your PC!
  • With software from X-10, allows control of your PC's DVD or MP3 player remotely!
  • X-10 commands are interpreted by software from X-10 such as Boom, X Ray Vision, MultiView, WebView and others (sold separately)

  • The PC Receiver (MR26A) is needed for wireless interactive control using your PC.In order to take advantage of your PC remotely with wireless remote controls and other devices, such as motion sensors, the PC Receiver is required to be connected to your PC. This small device attaches to your serial port and monitors the wireless RF signals around your home or office. When it receives the proper X10 signal, it relays the instructions to the appropriate X10 software (eg. BOOM 2000, MultiView, etc.) (sold separately) which is running on your PC. Wireless MP3 and DVD distribution around your home with X10 Anywhere Products!The PC Receiver is already an integral part of the MP3 Anywhere, DVD Anywhere and Entertainment Anywhere kits sold separately.
    Brand: X10, Model: MR26A

    Custom Tab 01

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