StableTrac and RAFF for enhanced vibration tolerance
Best-in-class Performance
Maximum capacity
5-year manufacturer limited warranty
Package includes a hard drive only - no screws, cables, manuals included. Please purchase mounting hardware and cables separately if necessary.
Package includes a hard drive only - no screws, cables, manuals included. Please purchase mounting hardware and cables separately if necessary.
Cost-effective datacenter storage delivers the right blend of performance, reliability and capacity and keeps your total cost of ownership low.
All drives undergo at least 5 million hours of functional testing, and over 20 million hours of additional testing under actual workloads in actual server and storage systems.
Enhanced Rotary Acceleration Feed Forward technology results in a significant performance improvement in high vibration environments over the previous generation of drives.
4 TB capacity holds up to 800,000 digital photos, 1,000,000 MP3 files, and 300 hours of HD video.
5 year limited warranty.
WD Se datacenter capacity storage is an ideal solution for scale-out datacenters, delivering a cost-effective combination of performance, capacity, and workload capability, while maintaining the hardiness of a true enterprise-class design. WD Se is best suited for bulk cloud storage, distributed file systems, replicated environments, cost-efficient RAID architectures and content delivery networks (CDNs). Brand: Western Digital, Model: WD4000F9YZ, Size: 4TB
Custom Tab 01
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