Type: Terminator
pTripp Lites LVD/SE rated (mode-conditioning) external U320 terminator is the perfect solution for any application that requires an VHDCI68M terminator at the end of a SCSI chain. Supports fast/ultra wide SCSI devices up to 320Mbps. This Mode-conditioning terminator makes up for any impedance irregularities (multiple formats like U160 and U320 on same SCSI chain). VHDCI68M terminator has thumbscrews for secure connection. Also features an LED. Tripp Lites active terminators provide the clearest data signal maximizing signal integrity. Supports fast/ultra wide SCSI devices up to 320Mbps. Tripp Lite warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for life./p
Brand: Tripp Lite, Model: S142-000